Breathing Space Yoga

Introduction to Modern Meditation ONLINE July 2020
July 1, 2020 July 29, 2020

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes

Online class

A four week course which will give you simple accessible tools to begin a regular meditation practice.  Explore what meditation is, how it works and why everyone can do it.  Build up your meditation practice gradually, to become an easy-to-achieve regular part of your day to day life.  You will have the skills to meditate anytime, anywhere by the end of the course.

This four week course will give you simple tools to begin a regular meditation practice.  It includes:

  • 4  x video tutorials taught by me, exploring what meditation is, how it works and why everyone can do it and explaining techniques of our practice.      
  • 8 x     downloadable guided meditations to build up your meditation practice gradually week by week so that it becomes an easy-to-achieve regular part of your day to day life.       
  • 4 x live calls on zoom to answer questions, discuss experiences and share live meditations together as a group.  (these calls are recorded so if  you can’t attend live you can submit questions beforehand and watch the replay in your own time).

All resources are available to use for 12 months.

The class takes place on...

  • July 1 at 18:00 (Wednesday)
  • July 8 at 18:00 (Wednesday)
  • July 15 at 18:00 (Wednesday)
  • July 22 at 18:00 (Wednesday)
  • July 29 at 18:00 (Wednesday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
